Election 2023: Minneapolis City Council, Ward 11

This is another frustrating race but at least it’ll be quick to write up.

On the ballot:

Emily Koski (DFL-endorsed incumbent)
Gabrielle Prosser (Socialist Workers Party)

Emily Koski is a conservative lackey of the mayor — I really liked this take on her time in office, which observes how she centers and pays deference to the concerns of business owners but not poor and marginalized Minneapolis residents. Gabrielle Prosser is from the Socialist Worker’s Party, which offers zero actionable plans when they run for office. She and the other SWP candidate responded to the Star Trib’s candidate questionnaire together and you can read it on their site (they have exactly the same answers) and it’s full of responses like, “There is no solution to the crisis of homelessness under capitalism.” (Compare that to Democratic Socialist Robin Wonsley’s housing page.)

I have some good friends who live in Ward 11 so I’d probably write one of them in. What a depressing set of options. ETA: I would write in Theresa Dolata, who according to a friend who left a comment, is considering a run next time. (See comments section.)

I have a book coming out this fall, in November! Liberty’s Daughter is near-future SF about a teenage girl on a libertarian seastead. A lot of it was originally published as short fiction in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. You can pre-order it in either book or ebook format from whatever you like.

I do not have a Patreon or Ko-Fi, so if you’d like make a donation to encourage my work, check out this first-year art teacher at Lucy Laney who is raising money to provide easels, drying racks, and art materials for her students. (Previously: a new Art teacher at Jenny Lind elementary who needs to stock her classroom with supplies — funded!)

5 thoughts on “Election 2023: Minneapolis City Council, Ward 11

  1. I agree. Depressing. This will be the first major race in 24 years living in the city that I will leave blank. Koski is a disappointment.

    Matt Tompkins

  2. Very disappointed by my options here.

    I don’t think I’ve ever written in a candidate before but I can’t bring myself to vote for either option and I want some way of recording my dissatisfaction. I’m going to write in Theresa Dolata who is seriously considering running for the Ward 11 city council seat in the next election. I know her from being part of the Ward Eleven Allied Voices for Equity (https://linktr.ee/weavempls). I guess I will probably write in Jeremy Schroeder as my second choice? Ugh!

    • I have edited my post to include her name as a write-in. Ed argued that I should have endorsed Gabrielle, but that was before her “how dare anyone criticize Israel” Letter to the Editor in the Strib, HOLY SHIT.

      I saw someone joke about writing in Andrea Jenkins for either 11 or 13. She’d be a big step up in either of those districts, tbh.

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