Award Eligibility Post

I had only one story that came out for the first time in 2016: my short story “Zombies in Winter,” which was published by the new online magazine Persistent Visions.

(I was writing and submitting this year! I sold stories that will appear in 2017, and I wrote new stories that I’ve started sending around, I sold a short story collection that will come out in 2017, and I sold translation rights to “Cat Pictures Please” and some of my other stories…but only one story actually appeared this year, and that very late in the year. So it goes.)



So hey, random interlude to share my awesome news

I wrote the bulk of that “what actually happens at a caucus, anyway” post weeks ago, didn’t finish it, didn’t come back to finish it, and got distracted. So I went ahead and finished that and put it up before telling you my totally-unrelated-to-the-election science fiction writer news, which is that my short story, Cat Pictures Please, published last year in Clarkesworld magazine, was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Short Story.

There are two really big awards in SF, the Hugo and the Nebula. The Nebula is nominated and awarded by the members of SFWA (the SF/F writers’ professional organization) and the Hugo is nominated and awarded by the members of the World Science Fiction Society (the people who are attending or supporting that year’s WorldCon, basically).

I have never been up for either of these awards before and being nominated for a Nebula is SUPER AWESOME and I am delighted, honored, excited, and thrilled. Also, the other stories on the ballot are terrific and it’s amazing to be in their company.

The Nebula Awards are voted on in March and April and then awarded in mid-May. The Hugo Awards are currently in the nomination process; nominations close at the end of March, the nominees are announced sometime in April (I don’t actually know when), voting happens over the summer, and the awards take place at WorldCon in August.

(By the way, if you bought a membership in last year’s con in order to vote on the Hugo Awards, you are eligible to nominate this year — definitely take advantage of that, even if you have just a few things that you loved enough to put up for the award.)