Elections 2023: Saint Paul City Council, Ward 4

Going to knock this one off because it is VERY VERY FAST. On the ballot:

Mitra Jalali
Robert Bushard

Mitra is a progressive Democrat who supports transit, housing, bike lanes, etc.

Robert Bushard is a Republican who brags about personally clearing a homeless encampment, refers to the murder of George Floyd as “the death of a career criminal,” scaremongers about LGBTQ+ people, wants to ban bail funds, and at least flirts a bunch with election denial. Even if you oppose the Summit bike trail, he is a bad, bad, bad choice. Although very unlikely to win.

I would vote for Mitra Jalali.

I have a book coming out this fall, in November! Liberty’s Daughter is near-future SF about a teenage girl on a libertarian seastead. A lot of it was originally published as short fiction in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. You can pre-order it in either book or ebook format from whatever you like.

I do not have a Patreon or Ko-Fi, so if you’d like make a donation to encourage my work, check out this music teacher at Washington Technology Magnet in St. Paul, who is raising money to buy guitars so that students don’t have to share 1 guitar between 4 students.